Sunday, March 4, 2012

And so it starts!

Thanks to my tweeple on Twitter, the bug of an idea hit me for setting up this blog. A place to share with anyone who wishes, my daily therapy sketches & such from my life line to sanity. My sketchbook. And I would LOVE for other creative individuals trapped in the soul sucking day job to join me in sharing their own works of weekly or daily flights of frustration avoidance. I started posting a few sketches straight to Twitter the other day under the hash tag #Sketchbookresistance and so will use this to announce new postings. If you are, or know of anyone who fits the description of a frustrated creative let them know about Sketchbook resistance. And if you would like to join me in posting here I'll send you an email invitation to join. Let's do this thang!                


  1. Uh oh... we're in trouble now. :)

  2. Hey Jose! gotta get the grove on! Come on jump in! resist the mind numbing-ness of the day job blues!
