Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Something I've been tempted to do

Be warned! It is important to deposit your vehicle in a designated parking space. I don't Care how much you shop here or how much you spend.


  1. Yes... situations tend to make their way into my sketchbook too. This one is great!

  2. Seriously one of these days... I think alot of my sketchbook resistance will be inspired by John Q public customer.

  3. They usually are. Its whatever catches your eye... like having a camera. In my case, a few lines, and finish it off later. Catching a situation always yields good stuff.

  4. Lookin forward to your posts here buddy!

  5. Ha ha ha. Sam, you crack me up! I try to keep in mind that for every jerk and selfish person out there, an equally powerful (but usually much less noticed) person is using their strengths for good.
